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Male, 43 years, born on 2 January 1982

Not looking for a job

Krasnodar, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips


  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 9 years 11 months

January 2013April 2014
1 year 4 months
Organizing Committee Olympic Games «Sochi 2014»

Sochi, sochi2014.com

Public Activity, Political Parties, Volunteering, Non-Profit Organizations... Show more

Senior Transport Manager
- Participating as a member of transport team on cross country skiing world cup in 2013 in Sochi. - Development, revision and confirmation of the Plan of Transport Service of the Mountain Olympic Village with the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the National Olympic Committees (NOC), the various functions of the Organizing Committee, the owner of the village, SC "Olympstroy" and Ministries. - Adaptation Plan of Transport Service on Paralympic period. - Controlling each stage of construction of transport infrastructure inside or close to Mountain Olympic Village with the owner, SC "Olympstroy", responsible Ministries and agencies. - Participation in meetings, international visits and conferences. Official correspondence. - Material planning of the necessary resources to Transport function in the Mountain Olympic Village (Vehicles, Buses, IT equipment, Furniture, Traffic Control Equipment). - Recruitment and managing venue transport team in Mountain Olympic Village. - Duty in “Transport Operational Headquarters” as Venues Transport Manager Representative and solving different unexpected transport problem situations. Coordination with all Transport Managers on Olympic venues. 120 employees under my leadership (Deputies, Supervisors, Assistants and Attendances in Parking, Permit, Fleet and Bus System divisions). Achievements: - High rating from the IOC and the NOC’s regarding transport services on venues (internal shuttle movement, transfer to Olympic venues, Transport Service on Open and Close Ceremonies). - Uninterrupted and qualitative transport activity in the Mountain Olympic Village in extreme weather conditions in the mountains (Fog, Rain, Long Snowfall and Frost). - Delegation to “Transport Operational Headquarters” on Olympic and Paralympic periods.
November 2009December 2012
3 years 2 months
Furniture and household hypermarket “Hoff”

Krasnodar, hoff.ru

Retail... Show more

Head of Administrative support
- Initial training in KIKA hypermarket (Praha, Czech Republic). Managing all operations in Cash Sector. Managing full operations in Administrative and Supply chain processes: - Ordering (+Import), controlling movement. - Goods and Account documents acceptance in ERP Axapta. - Storing, Internal and External goods movements in ERP Axapta. - Return Policy of defected and wrong delivered goods with Account documents in ERP Axapta. - Warehouse and sells area Inventories (planned, selected) with Account documents in ERP Axapta. - Full documentary process of goods utilization. - Coordination and negotiation with Suppliers and Buyers in solving different problems in Supply Chain. - ERP Axapta Expert assistance to all functions in Hypermarket. - Interaction with Governmental and Regulatory organizations. - Archiving and document management. - Assessment, motivation and staff development. - Budgeting department. - On duty Director on weekends in accordance with schedule. 35 employees under my leadership (Head of cash sector, Deputies of head of cash sector, cashiers, Head of department of goods movement, specialists) Achievements: - High quality rating from Czech colleagues (KIKA) concerning opening and business processes in Krasnodar Hypermarket. - Minimal late time of orders for clients among Hypermarkets in Russia (not more than 17). - Minimal errors in cash sector among Hypermarkets in Russia (not more than 0,3% among all operations). - Minimal delay time in acceptance of goods to Axapta among Hypermarkets in Russia (all documents signed in 2 days from delivery date). - A lot of personal amendments and improvements for Axapta realized in working period.
September 2006November 2009
3 years 3 months

Rostov-na-Donu, auchan.ru

Retail... Show more

Supply Chain Manager
Подготовка к открытию Распределительного Центра - Полугодичная стажировка в г. Москве в центральной Логистике и гипермаркетах - Участие в планировании параметров склада и офиса в г. Ростов-на-Дону - Контроль поставки необходимого складского и офисного оборудования - Набор персонала Работа в открывшемся Распределительном Центре - Обучение персонала работе в ERP системе. - Настройка ERP системы и утверждение логистических условий взаимодействия с поставщиками, закупщиками, гипермаркетами. - Внедрение KPI отдела. Отслеживание их выполнения. Проведение собраний. Мотивация персонала. - Контроль работы отдела (полный цикл движения товара с момента заказа, прихода на РЦ, хранения, отгрузки и приемки товара в гипермаркетах) - Участие в разработке KBI распределительного центра и внедрение системы TQM - Инвентаризации в распределительном центре (а также в магазинах). - Представление Логистики на выездных совещаниях в гипермаркетах. В подчинении 7 человек (специалисты по снабжению по выделенным категориям продовольственных товаров) Достижения: - Заполнение ассортимента гипермаркетов на 95% до официального открытия. - Поддержание высоких стандартов показателей работы отдела по принятым стандартам - Компании (KPI). - Бесперебойное снабжение гипермаркетов в условиях переезда на новые складские площади.
July 2004August 2006
2 years 2 months
Empils, Leading paint and varnishes production in Russia

Rostov-na-Donu, empils.ru

Chemical Production, Fertilizers... Show more

Chemical Raw Buyer
- Analytics, market researching, monitoring activity of main players and competitors. - Finding and selecting suppliers (Russia, Europe, China) - Participation in International Exhibitions - Negotiations, Conclusion contracts - Negotiations and conclusion transportation and logistics Appendixes - Learning custom procedures, documents circulation, formalities ant its use in work. - Working with Letters of Credit - Working with claims - In-plant Logistic Achievements: - 1-st direct import delivery to plant from China - Developed minimum, insurance stock levels, ABC-analysis for all groups of raw materials
June 2004November 2004
6 months
C&S Wholesale Grocery Inc.USA

USA, www.cswg.com

Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing, International Logistics... Show more

Selector (Senior)
- Working in biggest freezer in the World in picking team. Night shifts on “- 40C”. - Selecting and packaging products for supermarkets and military bases. - Assigned as Senior of the team (5 pickers) because analytic and leader skill. - Analyzing, distribution, explaining work for team. Control of execution. Timing control. - Discussion team results with head supervisor and its improvement. Achievements: - Team takes many times the 1-st place in “Maximum turnover for one shift” because of effective work distribution inside team, discipline and definition personal route of picking. - Team takes not less than 3-d place in “Best quality of selection” each month. - Keeping above-mentioned results till end of staying in USA.


Skill proficiency levels
- Focus on result
- Learnability
Managerial experience
MS Axapta
MS Office

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

Mini Football, Swimming, Logistic, optimization, rationalization

Higher education

Informational and Management Faculty, Beam Power Engineering Instrumentation and Systems
Informational and Social technology Lyceum



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter